
Free Advice: Ask Me Anything

Dear Friends, This blog is a bummer. Poor thing, it’s just a repository for things I get published. I haven’t given it a life of its own. I always wanted to be “Dear Abby” or “Dear Beth” or Dear Prudence”

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I’m a BITCH on Good Housekeeping!

  Dear friends, Despite the bad timing, my biggest publication has come out today in “Good Housekeeping” magazine. If you like it, please share.  The title is “I had to Channel My Inner Bitch to Live My Best Life After

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The Liebster Award

I would like to thank both J. V. at A Crazy Life and Becky at The Big L Photography Blog for nominating me for the Liebster Award. The Liebster Award is an award that is passed from new bloggers to others bloggers that need

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caregiver guilt

Caregiver Guilt: My Second xojane Article

  My second xojane article.  And my second xojane article is up.  It is dark.  It’s about caregiver guilt when I was caring for George.  Please check it out and, if it resonates with you, please share.  One of my

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Dating huffington post

My Second Huff Po Article

  Hello dear friends who I don’t want to plague with too many posts.  If you’ve seen my blog Facebook page, you can stop reading now.  Even if it does hurt my feelings. If you haven’t, I’ve got my second post

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blogging, SEO

Blogged Down

  Dear Blog, I hate that I’m never enough for you. You keep demanding all this SEO stuff.  You seem so needy. We can’t be together unless you have major key words. You need hours of foreplay with Google Analytics

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My First Blog Post on the Huffington Post

Ok, the blog page is purple.  But I am on it…in the Post 50 section.  I’m not featured (yet). So, it’s a little hard to find. Here’s the link.  Please check it out!  I like it and I’m my own

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Better After Fifty and a New Rant

  Online magazine Better After Fifty has featured one of my posts!  It’s here:  (Ok, for the three people who’ve been reading this for a bit, this is what’s known as a repurposed post.) I have been contemplating a return to online

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Single Dating Diva

And I have a new guest post up at “Single Dating Diva,” a lovely dating advice website in Canada. Apparently, the gods of Search Engine Optimization (aka “Jim”) think I should link to that site from this one, and in

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Xo Jane

I got to be in “xo Jane” magazine today.  I haven’t really been published before.   So, thank you so much to people who liked my story and commented.  Thank you if you like my FB page for my blog,

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Keep on Running: Three More Men to Avoid

I last wrote about three really awful guys I dated.  So, these next three aren’t as bad, but since I was still feeling rancorous, I mean, since I still had more experiences to impart, I thought I’d share. Besides,

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Avoiding the Dating Time Suck

        Here’s the link to my latest post on Sheknows Experts:   my latest expert post Apparently, if I put the full post up here, we enter into a time warp and Marty McFly was never born or

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Run From These Three Guys

  When I started dating, my life felt like a Fellini movie. I’d been with one person for thirty-two years, so going out was shiny and hyper-real. But after a while, dating became sitting around Starbucks listening to some guy

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Soundtrack for the Cheerfully Bereaved

I would have been ok talking to the Rotary Club President about joining up had Neil Young’s “Harvest Moon” not come on the restaurant’s sound system. We were meeting over breakfast to discuss my becoming a Rotarian. He was discussing

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Dating for the Cheerfully Bereaved

    I sort of quit drinking because I was in the pit of despair. Up until about seven weeks ago, I used to have a couple glasses of wine with dinner every night. I really like my tapered, crystal

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Dating for Hoarders

      I went into hoarder mode shopping for men on “OK Cupid” and “Plenty of Fish.” I answered messages from anyone who seemed interesting and reached out to anyone who had “liked my profile” whose profile I also

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The Blog Killer

    Dear Blog, I am so sorry that I almost let you die.  Especially since you were kind of expensive to set up because I used a web designer.  I abandoned you in favor of J-Date, OK Cupid, Plenty

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I Was a J-Dater

  I couldn’t sleep so I joined J-Date. It’s an on-dating service like Except for Jews.  In fact it’s the self-proclaimed “premier dating site for Jewish singles.”   Which is probably enough to scare most people off.  My understanding

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