
Sheltering with Anxiety Demons

These are strange and worrisome times. And for those of us who already live with anxiety demons, there is even more to worry about. Maybe we can even feel a strange camaraderie with other people because they too are now

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My Essay Writing Class

I am again teaching my five week essay writing class in San Francisco on Saturday mornings starting June 15th. Here’s the link. If you’re interested or know someone who might be, please sign up. I’ve taught it three times and

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I’m Teaching a Class!

Dear Friends, I’m teaching a five-week class called “Personal Essay 1: You in 1200 words” that runs on Saturdays, 11:00am to 2:00pm, from September 29 to October 27. Here’s the link. Contrary to what it says, there are plenty of spaces

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New York Times Modern Love

My New York Times’ Modern Love Essay

One of my dreams has been to be in the New York Times’ Modern Love column. Let’s go read the rest of it here. It’s online today and in print on Sunday. Saturday would have been my anniversary with George. Coincidence?

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Widowhood: Fighting the Stigma of Loneliness by @DWeissWriter #loneliness #widowhood #stigma

Widowhood: Fighting the Stigma of Loneliness

Loneliness equals shame. The hardest thing I went through after George died was being lonely. With few friends, no kids, and a family consisting of my elderly dad and step-mom, I’d sit at home at night and think, “Who’d notice

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My Father’s Day Article on Purple Clover

Happy Father’s Day! 💕 For my friends who aren’t on Facebook, I have my first piece on “Purple Clover” about growing up with my dad, a nuclear physicist, after my my mom died when I was ten. It starts: “Your mommy’s

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Solo travel in Barcelona

It’s about Me

  I am so grateful to be interviewed by the fantastic writer and blogger Melissa Blake on her blog “So About What I Said” as part of her series on women writers.  Her post is entitled “On Life and Love

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A tribe helps a widow cope with loss

A Widow’s Galentine in Modern Loss

I am thrilled and grateful to have my Valentine’s Day post in Modern Loss, an online journal I’ve always wanted to be in. It’s called “A Widow’s Galentine to her Girlfriends.” It’s about how I found my tribe doing flow

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Debbie in a policeman's hat

Eight Red Flags to Spot When You’re Dating

  I’m an ex-online dating addict.  For a while, I was terribly social until I discovered binge-watching.  Here are seven red flags that cropped up when I was dating.  Sometimes, it took me weeks to figure out what the problem

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