
Do People Over 50 Fall in Love?
There was no talk of love, only of control. It all seemed to come down to a power struggle: how much were midlife women willing to put up with to have male companionship? How little effort could midlife men get away with while still remaining sexually active?

Benicia Magazine: Booktails.
Available As Is by Debbie Weiss Article on At first glance, I didn’t think a memoir from a midlife widow would be for me. I’m neither in my midlife nor a widow, so I worried I would have nothing
National Association of Memoir Writers Virtual Book Club: Reinvention After Loss
February Virtual Book Club Virtual Book Club | 4 comments Deborah Weiss Available As Is: Reinvention After Loss February 9, 2023 4 PM PST | 5 PM MST | 6 PM CST | 7 PM EST In April of 2013,

Visit Me on Youtube with Celebrating Act2
I am so grateful and excited to be a regular contributor on Celebrating Act2, a video blog which offers advice on living the second half of your life. Every other Thursday, I’ll have a new post offering advice and dishing

Embracing Change When You’re Widowed and Extremely Cautious
Some of the worst advice I received as a new widow was to change, anything and everything. But we cautious folk need smaller steps to move on.

My You Tube Interview with Celebrating Act 2
The lovely fellows at Celebrating Act 2, a Youtube Vlog, interviewed me for their channel. Here’s the video: Thanks for watching, and please share if you enjoyed. 💕

Abandoning Dating at Middle Age in Favor of Friendship: Time for going Lysistrata on this
With dating off auto-erotically asphyxiating itself, let’s turn to friendship. Instead of settling for less when we’re dating at middle age, let’s demand more, just on the inside instead of the exterior.

The Intersection of Guilt and Abuse: When we fail to believe we deserve better
Like so many who have fallen into abuse, I rationalized that I could help him to change. He needed me. Having failed to save my husband, I wanted to save someone, even someone who wasn’t very nice to me.

This Is How We Can Overcome the Bitterness Of Middle-Aged Dating
If I could describe middle-aged daters in one word, it would be bitter. And that bitterness is destroying our chances at finding love. Let’s overcome that bitterness with a beginner’s mind.

Why is Dating in Middle Age so Hostile? It All Started on the Playground
To me, so much of the dysfunction surrounding dating in middle age boils down to the way men and women of my generation were taught to behave. Specifically, little boys were brought up to conquer while girls were brought up to be docile.

On Dating at Middle Age: Where Are All the GrownUp Men?
When I started dating again after being widowed at fifty, I wondered, where are the men who act like grown ups? The ones who get their gutters cleaned, keep their homes reasonably tidy, have edible food in their refrigerators, and want a life partner instead of easy sex.

Ending The One Upmanship Of Middle-Aged Dating
My best advice: To find love, develop your empathy muscle. In my experience, many middle-aged men have let it atrophy. Dating at fifty was like being in a wolf pack, or worse, a law firm.

What if Valentine’s Day Became “Loneliness Awareness Day”
I’m not Blaming Valentine’s Day for All my Neuroses, BUT… For me, Valentine’s Day has always seemed a little bit mean. Dare I say exclusionary? It’s the high school cheerleader of holidays, the one that makes you feel like you

Surviving the Onset of Widowhood: A Tiny Primer
A few modest suggestions for the newly widowed as they grieve and begin to regroup.

Five Lessons I Learned from My First Date in 32 Years
Number One: Dating and Regurgitation Do Not Mix

Finding Love at Middle Age: Throw Away Your List
If you’re having trouble finding love at middle age, throw away your list.

Disillusionment: It’s What’s Killing Middle-Aged Dating
Let’s start a movement called the unfun daters where we treat our dates like potential life partners instead of bottom feeders.

When You Think Everyone Else is Doing a Better Job of Widowing
When I was widowed, I couldn’t stop thinking I was doing it wrong. But all we really have to do is to stop judging our own grieving.

Accepting Change: This is the Second Adolescence That Is Widowhood
To be widow is to be a shape shifter. We move through different phases redefining ourselves after our loss.

Deciding Not to Settle: What I Learned from The Rules
It took an archaic husband-hunting manual for me to stop I settling for less than I wanted.

Confessing to Loneliness at the End of the World
Can we finally just say we feel lonely and isolated? These times feel like first being widowed, and yet, there is solace in small things.

Sharing Our Stories: My Class for Senior Citizens
I’m teaching a writing class on zoom for senior citizens starting May 28th.

If Your Date is Trying to Change You, They aren’t the One
I was shocked at all the criticisms I received from men when I started dating in middle age. Instead of taking them to heart, I should have just walked away.

The Biggest Problem with Middle-Aged Dating: Living in the Past
I finally realized that many middle aged daters were living in the past. Dating was an exercise in revenge against the people who’d failed them.

Reconciling with Gratitude: The Pandemic Edition
My quarantine resolution: to reconcile with gratitude. Otherwise, it’s too hard to live with someone this bitter.

On Wanting Someone Invested or I Fell in Love Over an Air Conditioner
I wanted someone who was invested, and that meant caring about what I cared. A dead air conditioner showed me I’d found the right person.

On Not Giving Up on Love
I found love and learned not settle when I was 55 at one of the saddest points since my husband died. Don’t give up hope.
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