Podcasts & Articles

Bookaholic-Deirdre Pippins: Finding Love at Midlife

Debbie Weiss is a writer, yogi, gardener, and former attorney. After her husband died of cancer in April 2013, she turned to writing when she found herself single and living alone for the first time at age 50. You can find her on her blog, thehungoverwidow.com, which offers empathy and

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Man and woman arguing

Do People Over 50 Fall in Love?

There was no talk of love, only of control. It all seemed to come down to a power struggle: how much were midlife women willing to put up with to have male companionship? How little effort could midlife men get away with while still remaining sexually active?

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Walking through Grief with Debbie Weiss

Join Joyce & Debbie Weiss, author of “Available As Is: A Midlife Widow’s Search for Love,” for a casual conversation you can walk to. Debbie and Joyce dive deep into the importance of connection and the difficulty of making friends as an adult. They also discuss what worked for Debbie

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Benicia Magazine: Booktails.

Available As Is by Debbie Weiss Article on beniciamagazine.com At first glance, I didn’t think a memoir from a midlife widow would be for me. I’m neither in my midlife nor a widow, so I worried I would have nothing to gain from the author’s writing. It wasn’t until I

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Debbie Weiss: A Crash Course in Dating Over 50

video: Spotify   |   Audio only:  Apple podcasts  •  Google podcasts Debbie Weiss is the author of “Available As Is: A Midlife Widow’s Search for Love”. It’s her true story of losing her beloved husband at 50 to cancer and her struggle to find love again. It’s a very inspiring tale of finding

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February Virtual Book Club

Deborah Weiss Available As Is: Reinvention After Loss February 9, 2023 4 PM PST | 5 PM MST | 6 PM CST | 7 PM EST Article on namw.org In April of 2013, I lost my husband of 32 years. Soon after my loss, I enrolled in a writing class.

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Dating Lessons from a Midlife Widow

Article on nextavenue.org Once she discovered who she really was, and stayed firm in those convictions, it was easier to find love By Debbie Weiss January 20, 2023 Personal Perspectives In June of 2014 at 3:30 a.m., I decided to join J-Date, the self-proclaimed largest Jewish dating community worldwide, but

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Grief Diaries Stories: Running Away to Home

Story by Debbie Weiss Running Away to Home – Part 1 The preceding is an excerpt from Available As Is: A Midlife Widow’s Search for Love published by She Writes Press. Copyright 2022. Used with permission. In the summer of 1973, I was nine. My world was suffused with color, the sunlight

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A Widow Writes Her Dating Profile

A Widow Writes Her Dating Profile Article on Residence 11 Marital Status: Widowed It’s 4 a.m. and I’m putting together my profile for JDate, the self-proclaimed “largest Jewish dating community worldwide.” My husband, George, died fourteen months ago. George was my high-school sweetheart, the strong man I curled up next

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Widow We Do Now?

What do you do when you become a young widow? Join Anita and Mel, as they tackle heavy grief topics with authenticity and humor.

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Women in the Middle with Suzy Rosenstein

What You’ll Learn from this Episode about A Midlife Widow & Her Search to Find Herself Again with Debbie Weiss What it’s like to be a midlife widow and find yourself again after 50. Why it can be jarring to be alone after you marry your high school sweetheart who

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