My article on Ravishly about reaching out to he newly widowed
Reaching Out to the Widowed

I am so grateful to have my first article in “Ravishly,” a cool online women’s magazine, on the topic closest to heart: loneliness and widowhood. The people who reached out to me when I was newly widowed saved me.  Oh, it’s funny too, I go through what not to say to the widowed and I’ve heard some doozies. Thanks to my widowed friends who’ve shared the awful things they’ve heard with me. They’re in this article.

It starts: “I was a rational woman, a former attorney, pretty close to being grown up. But that all changed when my husband died…” Now let’s go read the rest here.

Please share if you know anyone this might resonate with or someone you want to educate about what not to say. Hey, comment if you want. Sorry my posts are all article plugs while I work on my book.

Love, Debbie

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