In 2013, at the age of 50, Debbie faced one of the most devastating losses imaginable – the death of her partner, George, of 32 years. A year spent as a caregiver, watching him fade, left her with a profound void, alone for the first time in her life, grappling with post-traumatic stress disorder. But Debbie’s resilience emerged in her widowhood, guiding her through the enveloping loneliness, bit by bit.

She shares how she embraced her lifelong passion for writing and earned her Master in Fine Arts in Creative Writing at the impressive age of 56. Her transformative experience and dealing with grief became the centerpiece of her critically acclaimed book, ‘Available As Is: A Midlife Widow’s Search for Love,’ a candid, darkly humorous account of rebuilding a life and finding hope after widowhood.

Throughout the episode, Debbie’s story is not just about loss and rediscovery. It’s also about challenging societal norms. From being a respectful widow, Debbie transformed into a vibrant, adventurous woman, exploring the uncharted waters of midlife dating. Despite the highs, the lows, and even the absurdities of dating multiple men, including a family-shy politician, she found herself and created personal growth.

We’re excited to have Debbie with us today to share her incredible journey to self-discovery. We’ll hear how she navigated grief, embraced fitness and yoga, discovered the liberating power of writing, and found love and companionship again with her second life partner, Randal.

Debbie’s story shows us that no matter what happens, life can always take a new turn, and we can start a new chapter.

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