Woman looking beleaguered
Thank you Ravishly

It’s what I do. Get into embarrassing, sad situations and write about them publicly.


I never realized the depths to which loneliness could drag me. Thanks to the awesome editor at ”Ravishly,” here’s my story, polished and story-ish:

“Are you okay?” the man in the parking lot asked me. “What do you need?” The rest is here

Hey, since then I’ve met someone kind and wonderful. My next post may be about meeting his mom over Thanksgiving.

If you’re new to my blog: Sorry, I don’t just link to my published articles. Please check out my prior post about recognizing the signs of emotional abuse. And here’s last year’s take on surviving the holidays when you’ve suffered a loss: Widowhood and the Holidays. .  Also, you are grieving just perfectly.

Grateful to have company on my journey,

Love, Debbie

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