My elephant journal article
My article!

Dear Blog Friends,

I’m thrilled to be in Elephant Journal with my article “Surviving the Holidays After the Death of a Loved One.”  Here’s the start:  “Since my husband George died in 2013, I get really depressed over the holidays. With him gone and having little family myself, things don’t look how they’re supposed to…”. The rest of it is here.

Please check it out.  Disclaimer:  this is a professionally edited, greatly improved version of my latest blog post.  But it’s a lot more helpful and relatable than the first one with more anecdotes and  no generalities.   For my writer friends, it is so interesting to see what an editor will change in our writing!

I would so appreciate views on this by your clicking on the link to the article!  (If I get enough views, it becomes easier to be on their site again).  Please share it with anyone you think it might resonate with.

This is such a hard time of year for those of us who’ve lost our spouses or other loved ones.  I get teary remembering the traditions that George and I had.  Hell, I get teary taking out the garbage (formerly George’s chore) alone on a Sunday night this time of year.  Other times of year, I’m much better about it.  It’s like much of my recovery just sort of ebbs away.

Is it like that for you too?

If you want to chat about this holiday malaise stuff, please  comment here or on the Elephant Journal site.  On some posts, people have offered such thoughtful, heartwarming comments that really helped others.  And please, check it out on Elephant Journal.



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