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Hello!  It’s me again.  I’ve distilled all my online dating tips into one article.  And it’s on the Huffington Post right here: Superb Tips from a Former Online Dating Addict.  The editors changed the title to “Superb.” I just called it tips.  AND they put it, for now, at the top of the “Post/50” section.

Please check it out.  Please like it (if you do).  Finally, please share with any online daters you know.  People who’ve reach out to me on the blog have often said they’re confused or disappointed with online dating.  This fixes everything in one article. (OK, not really, but I need blog traffic, I need to find my niche, I need subscribers, yup, dating tip #1:  Let’s not appear too needy shall we, Debbie?)

Hey share with me your dating questions, comments or quandaries.

With Love,


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